
Sat 16 September 2017

What variables might affect the total crime rate?

When it comes to the issue of crime, one of the questions we'd like to answer is what factors have a relationship with crime. In this analysis, I'll be looking at data for the counties of New York State for the year of 2016. The article Variables Affecting Crime will serve as the guide to what variables I will choose initially for the analysis. These are the steps I'll be taking:

Sun 20 August 2017

Why do people prefer steak cooked differently?

I stumbled across this dataset while looking through some of the datasets on FiveThirtyEight's github page. The data comes from a survey of 550 people that evaluates what types of risky behavior they engage in as well as how they prefer their steak cooked. There is an article on the results of the survey along with a link to the data here: https://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/how-americans-like-their-steak/