What variables might affect the total crime rate?

When it comes to the issue of crime, one of the questions we'd like to answer is what factors have a relationship with crime. In this analysis, I'll be looking at data for the counties of New York State for the year of 2016. The article Variables Affecting Crime will serve as the guide to what variables I will choose initially for the analysis. These are the steps I'll be taking:

  1. Collect the data from various sources.
  2. Clean the data.
  3. Explore the data to try to identify variables that are likely to have a relationship with Total Crime Rate.
  4. Finally, perform an OLS multiple regression on our identified variables.


  1. The last U.S. census was performed in 2010, therefore, some variables are merely estimates from the source for the year 2016.
  2. A few of the variables are from 2015 and have no 2016 update as of the completion of this notebook. I'm making the assumption that the true values for the year of 2016 on that variable are not substantially different from the year prior.

Source of Image: http://dankilde.tripod.com/webonmediacontents/crimestats.jpg?1409168946245

Gather and Clean the Data

We will be looking at data from five sources for our analysis.

  1. Census statistics taken from the U.S. Census Bureau.
  2. Unemployment rates taken from Bureau of Labor Statistics
  3. High School Drop Outrates taken from New York State Education Department
  4. Crime rates taken from Division of Criminal Justics Services, New York State
  5. Divorce rates taken from New York State Department of Health

NOTE: The links take you directly to the website where the data can be found. I've provided that data in their original form as well as the final cleaned version here.

In [1]:
# Import the libraries we'll be using
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from scipy.stats import pearsonr
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

%matplotlib inline

1a. Census

I had to retrieve the data six counties at the time per the limit they had on their website. This resulted in 11 csv files that I concatenated as shown below.

In [2]:
# Get a list of all the datasets
census_datasets = []
census_datasets.append(pd.read_csv('../data/crime-notebook-data/2016-ny-census-data/QuickFacts Sep-06-2017.csv'))
for i in range(1,11):
    census_datasets.append(pd.read_csv('../data/crime-notebook-data/2016-ny-census-data/QuickFacts Sep-06-2017({0}).csv'.format(i)))

# Concatenate them into one DataFrame named 'census'
census = census_datasets[0]
for dataframe in census_datasets[1:]:
    census = pd.concat([census,dataframe.ix[:,2:]],axis=1)

Fact Fact Note Cayuga County, New York Value Note for Cayuga County, New York Cattaraugus County, New York Value Note for Cattaraugus County, New York Broome County, New York Value Note for Broome County, New York Bronx County (Bronx Borough), New York Value Note for Bronx County (Bronx Borough), New York ... Warren County, New York Value Note for Warren County, New York Ulster County, New York Value Note for Ulster County, New York Tompkins County, New York Value Note for Tompkins County, New York Yates County, New York Value Note for Yates County, New York Wyoming County, New York Value Note for Wyoming County, New York
0 Population estimates, July 1, 2016, (V2016) NaN 77,861 NaN 77,677 NaN 195,334 NaN 1,455,720 NaN ... 64,567 NaN 179,225 NaN 104,871 NaN 24,923 NaN 40,791 NaN
1 Population estimates base, April 1, 2010, (V2... NaN 80,003 NaN 80,343 NaN 200,689 NaN 1,385,107 NaN ... 65,700 NaN 182,512 NaN 101,594 NaN 25,351 NaN 42,162 NaN
2 Population, percent change - April 1, 2010 (es... NaN -2.7% NaN -3.3% NaN -2.7% NaN 5.1% NaN ... -1.7% NaN -1.8% NaN 3.2% NaN -1.7% NaN -3.3% NaN

3 rows × 126 columns

In [3]:
# Many of the columns that start with 'Value Note' seem to be have a lot of NaN values.

# Show's the first five columns where all values are NaN

# In fact, all columns that start with 'Value Note' are filled entirely with NaN so we can easily drop them as they 
# don't give us any information. 'Fact Note' is mostly NaN as well so we'll drop that tboo. 
census.drop('Fact Note', axis=1,inplace=True)
Index(['Value Note for Cayuga County, New York',
       'Value Note for Cattaraugus County, New York',
       'Value Note for Broome County, New York',
       'Value Note for Bronx County (Bronx Borough), New York',
       'Value Note for Allegany County, New York'],
In [4]:
# If we look at the last few rows we also see that they are mostly filled with NaN's so we'll drop those too

# Drops any rows with less than 5 non-NaN values. I'll drop the row 'FIPS Code' here because we'll be using county
# names instead

FIPS_index = census[census['Fact'] == 'FIPS Code'].index

# Because we are going to merging data from multiple datasets we want to use the names of the counties as the index to 
# merge on. Therefore, we're going to rename them so that they're easier to match with.
import re

# Function to pull out only the County name
def get_county_name_census(name):
    if name == 'New York County (Manhattan Borough), New York':
        return 'New York'
    elif name == 'St. Lawrence County, New York':
        return 'St. Lawrence'
        return re.split(', | ',name)[0]

col_names = list(map(get_county_name_census,census.columns[1:]))
col_names.insert(0, 'Fact')
census.columns = col_names
Index(['Fact', 'Cayuga', 'Cattaraugus', 'Broome', 'Bronx', 'Allegany',
       'Albany', 'Cortland', 'Columbia', 'Clinton', 'Chenango', 'Chemung',
       'Chautauqua', 'Fulton', 'Franklin', 'Essex', 'Erie', 'Dutchess',
       'Delaware', 'Kings', 'Jefferson', 'Herkimer', 'Hamilton', 'Greene',
       'Genesee', 'Nassau', 'Montgomery', 'Monroe', 'Madison', 'Livingston',
       'Lewis', 'Orange', 'Ontario', 'Onondaga', 'Oneida', 'Niagara',
       'New York', 'Rensselaer', 'Queens', 'Putnam', 'Otsego', 'Oswego',
       'Orleans', 'Schuyler', 'Schoharie', 'Schenectady', 'Saratoga',
       'Rockland', 'Richmond', 'Tioga', 'Steuben', 'Sullivan', 'Suffolk',
       'St. Lawrence', 'Seneca', 'Westchester', 'Wayne', 'Washington',
       'Warren', 'Ulster', 'Tompkins', 'Yates', 'Wyoming'],
In [5]:
# Next, we want to transpose the dataframe so that we can perform our analyis on it more appropriately. We can do this
# by setting 'Fact' as the index and then using 'T' on the dataframe to transpose it
census = census.T

Fact Population estimates, July 1, 2016, (V2016) Population estimates base, April 1, 2010, (V2016) Population, percent change - April 1, 2010 (estimates base) to July 1, 2016, (V2016) Population, Census, April 1, 2010 Persons under 5 years, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016) Persons under 5 years, percent, April 1, 2010 Persons under 18 years, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016) Persons under 18 years, percent, April 1, 2010 Persons 65 years and over, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016) Persons 65 years and over, percent, April 1, 2010 ... Total nonemployer establishments, 2015 All firms, 2012 Men-owned firms, 2012 Women-owned firms, 2012 Minority-owned firms, 2012 Nonminority-owned firms, 2012 Veteran-owned firms, 2012 Nonveteran-owned firms, 2012 Population per square mile, 2010 Land area in square miles, 2010
Cayuga 77,861 80,003 -2.7% 80,026 5.0% 5.3% 20.2% 21.6% 17.7% 15.3% ... 4,243 4,971 3,040 1,511 188 4,563 439 4,210 115.7 691.58
Cattaraugus 77,677 80,343 -3.3% 80,317 5.8% 6.3% 22.7% 23.4% 17.9% 15.5% ... 3,831 5,322 3,084 1,554 279 4,792 526 4,496 61.4 1,308.35
Broome 195,334 200,689 -2.7% 200,600 5.3% 5.2% 19.6% 20.2% 18.3% 16.4% ... 10,019 13,671 7,929 4,461 1,271 11,856 1,285 11,561 284.2 705.77
Bronx 1,455,720 1,385,107 5.1% 1,385,108 7.3% 7.4% 25.3% 26.6% 11.7% 10.5% ... 114,788 135,782 61,813 68,705 110,222 23,478 7,987 125,616 32,903.6 42.10
Allegany 47,077 48,919 -3.8% 48,946 5.1% 5.4% 20.4% 21.6% 17.7% 15.2% ... 2,451 2,710 1,454 920 185 2,427 244 2,298 47.6 1,029.31

5 rows × 72 columns

In [6]:
# Currently all our values our strings. We want to remove all the unnecessary characters 

# Removes ',' '$' and '%
def clean_value(val):
    chars = ['$',',','%']
    for c in chars:
        if c in val:
            val = val.replace(c,'')
    return val

for col in census.columns:
    census[col] = census[col].apply(clean_value)
In [7]:
# For some odd reason the letter 'Z' is in place for the value of the percent change in population from 2010 to 2016 
# for the county of Suffolk, so we're going to change that to represent the right number.
old_value = census.ix['Suffolk']['Population, percent change - April 1, 2010 (estimates base) to July 1, 2016,  (V2016)']

# This code merely represents (Total Population in 2016 - Total Population in 2010) / Total Population in 2010 for the
# county of Suffolk
suffolk = census.ix['Suffolk']
census.ix['Suffolk','Population, percent change - April 1, 2010 (estimates base) to July 1, 2016,  (V2016)'] = (
    float(suffolk['Population estimates, July 1, 2016,  (V2016)']) - (
        float(suffolk['Population estimates base, April 1, 2010,  (V2016)'])
)) / float(suffolk['Population estimates base, April 1, 2010,  (V2016)']) * 100

new_value = census.ix['Suffolk']['Population, percent change - April 1, 2010 (estimates base) to July 1, 2016,  (V2016)']

print('Old Value: {0}, New Value: {1}'.format(old_value,new_value))
Old Value: Z, New Value: -0.04132065362978837
In [8]:
# Our last step with this dataset is to select the variables(features) we think have a relationship with 
# the crime rate. I've selected the ones I believe I have a relationship. You're more than welcome to use the other
# variables as you see fit

final_cols = ['Population, percent change - April 1, 2010 (estimates base) to July 1, 2016,  (V2016)',
               'Owner-occupied housing unit rate, 2011-2015',
               'Persons per household, 2011-2015',
               'High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2011-2015',
               'Bachelor\'s degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2011-2015',
               'Persons  without health insurance, under age 65 years, percent',
               'In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+, 2011-2015',
               'Median household income (in 2015 dollars), 2011-2015',
               'Persons in poverty, percent',
               'Population estimates, July 1, 2016,  (V2016)',
               'Land area in square miles, 2010']

census = census[final_cols]

# Now let's convert all the values to floats so we can perform calculations on them later
census = census.astype(float)

# We'll also create another column for Population Density(per sq. mile) because it's not already in the dataset but we have all
# information we need to calculate it
census['Population Density(sq.m)'] = census['Population estimates, July 1, 2016,  (V2016)'] / census['Land area in square miles, 2010']

# Drop the last two columns.
census.drop(['Population estimates, July 1, 2016,  (V2016)','Land area in square miles, 2010'],axis=1,inplace=True)

# Lastly for this dataset, we'll rename the column names to be a little more concise
new_col_names = ['Pop.Pct.Change 2010-16', 'Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015','Persons per household',
           'High School grad or Higher, 2011-2015','Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher, 2011-2015',
           'Persons w/out health insurance, under 65 pct', 'Civilian Labor Force Partcipation Pct', 
           'Median Household income', 'Poverty Pct.', 'Population Density(sq.m)']
census.columns = new_col_names


County Pop.Pct.Change 2010-16 Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015 Persons per household High School grad or Higher, 2011-2015 Bachelor's Degree or Higher, 2011-2015 Persons w/out health insurance, under 65 pct Civilian Labor Force Partcipation Pct Median Household income Poverty Pct. Population Density(sq.m)
0 Cayuga -2.7 71.1 2.43 87.7 21.4 6.7 61.4 52082.0 12.7 112.584227
1 Cattaraugus -3.3 71.3 2.41 87.9 17.8 7.5 59.2 42601.0 18.0 59.370199
2 Broome -2.7 65.7 2.37 89.9 27.2 6.4 58.7 46261.0 17.7 276.767219
3 Bronx 5.1 19.0 2.86 70.6 18.9 11.1 59.5 34299.0 30.3 34577.672209
4 Allegany -3.8 73.1 2.36 88.6 20.0 6.2 57.0 42776.0 16.8 45.736464

1b. Unemployment

In [9]:
unemployment = pd.read_excel('../data/crime-notebook-data/laucnty16.xlsx',sheetname='laucnty16',skiprows=np.arange(4))

# Select columns we're interested in and drop the first(all NaN) row 
unemployment = unemployment[['County Name/State Abbreviation','(%)']]
unemployment.columns = ['County','Unemployment Rate']

# The data includes all counties in the U.S. so we're going to extract only those counties in New York
idx1 = unemployment.index[(unemployment['County'] == 'Albany County, NY')]
idx2 = unemployment.index[(unemployment['County'] == 'Yates County, NY')]
unemployment = unemployment.ix[idx1[0]:idx2[0]]

# Function to pull out only the County Name
def get_county_name_unemployment(name):
    if name == 'New York County, NY':
        return 'New York'
    elif name == 'St. Lawrence County, NY':
        return 'St. Lawrence'
        return name.split(' ')[0]
unemployment['County'] = unemployment['County'].apply(get_county_name_unemployment)

# unemployment.set_index('County',inplace=True)
County Unemployment Rate
1828 Albany 4.0
1829 Allegany 6.2
1830 Bronx 7.1
1831 Broome 5.4
1832 Cattaraugus 5.9

1c. High School Dropout

In [10]:
dropout = pd.read_csv('../data/crime-notebook-data/GRAD_RATE_AND_OUTCOMES_2016.csv')

# First, we want to only use the rows that are county aggregated and represent all students
dropout = dropout[(dropout['AGGREGATION_TYPE'] == 'County') & (dropout['SUBGROUP_NAME'] == 'All Students')]

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:2717: DtypeWarning: Columns (7) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)
537 2015-16 2 County 10000000000 County: ALBANY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1257 40% 35 1% 80 3% 11 0% 333 11%
554 2015-16 2 County 10000000000 County: ALBANY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1241 40% 45 1% 100 3% 7 0% 284 9%
571 2015-16 2 County 10000000000 County: ALBANY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1245 39% 36 1% 278 9% 4 0% 265 8%
588 2015-16 2 County 10000000000 County: ALBANY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1245 39% 36 1% 242 8% 4 0% 265 8%
605 2015-16 2 County 20000000000 County: ALLEGANY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 165 30% 12 2% 14 3% 4 1% 37 7%

5 rows × 37 columns

In [11]:
# Now we want to replace '-' with NaN and convert the column types to int
for col in ['ENROLL_CNT', 'DROPOUT_CNT']:
    dropout[col] = dropout[col].astype(int)

# Each county has 4 types on cohorts graduating based on when a student started highschool. Therefore, we want to sum
# the counts for the cohorts to get the total count for the county
dropout = dropout.groupby('COUNTY_NAME')[['ENROLL_CNT', 'DROPOUT_CNT']].sum()

# Create a column for the dropout rate
dropout['DROPOUT_PCT'] = dropout['DROPOUT_CNT'] / dropout['ENROLL_CNT'] * 100



# Function to pull out only the county name
def get_county_name_dropout(name):
    if name == 'NEW YORK':
        return 'New York'
    elif name == 'SAINT LAWRENCE':
        return 'St. Lawrence'
        return name[0] + name[1:].lower()
dropout['County'] = dropout['County'].apply(get_county_name_dropout)

0 Albany 9.047882
1 Allegany 5.210238
2 Bronx 15.895440
3 Broome 8.840776
4 Cattaraugus 9.561849

1d. Divorce

In [12]:
# Get Divorce totals by County for 2015
divorce_total = pd.read_html('https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/vital_statistics/2015/table51.htm')
divorce_total = divorce_total[0]

# Get Population Estimated Counts for 2015
population_2015 = pd.read_html('https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/vital_statistics/2015/table02.htm')
population_2015 = population_2015[0]

# Combine the data using County as the key
divorce = pd.merge(divorce_total, population_2015,on='County')

#Drop Non-County rows

# The 'crude divorce rate' is typically the number of divorces per 1000 people
divorce['DivorceRate'] = (divorce['Total'] * 1000) / divorce['2015 Population Estimate ']
divorce = divorce[['County','DivorceRate']]

#Find index of row 'St Lawrence' and change it to 'St. Lawrence'
idx = divorce.index[divorce['County'] == 'St Lawrence']
divorce.set_value(index=idx[0],col='County',value='St. Lawrence')

County DivorceRate
8 Bronx 3.680664
9 Kings 1.407802
10 New York 6.306407
11 Queens 2.505611
12 Richmond 1.727924

1e. Crime

In [13]:
crime = pd.read_excel('../data/crime-notebook-data/2016-county-index-rates.xls', sheetname='rates',header=None,skiprows=np.arange(4), 
                      names=['County', '2016 Pop','Total Count','Total Rate', 'Violent Count', 'Violent Rate',
                            'Property Count', 'Property Rate'])

# There are a lot of empty and unnnecessary rows that we need to drop

# Select the columns we want and turn the rates into floats. Since the rate is per 100,000 thousand people we will 
# divide the rates by 100,000 and multiply by 100
crime = crime[['County','Total Rate','Violent Rate','Property Rate']]
crime = pd.concat([crime['County'],crime[['Total Rate','Violent Rate','Property Rate']].apply(pd.to_numeric)],axis=1)
crime[['Total Rate','Violent Rate','Property Rate']] = crime[['Total Rate','Violent Rate','Property Rate']].apply(
                                                                                        lambda num: num/1000)
#Rename 'St Lawrence' to 'St. Lawrence' for merging purposes
st_idx = crime.index[crime['County'] == 'St Lawrence']
crime.set_value(index=st_idx,col='County',value='St. Lawrence')

County Total Rate Violent Rate Property Rate
1 Albany 2.812248 0.353436 2.458812
2 Allegany 1.216441 0.170729 1.045713
3 Bronx 2.525896 0.947502 1.578393
4 Broome 2.779691 0.329018 2.450673
5 Cattaraugus 1.619945 0.183691 1.436254

1f. Combining the data

In [14]:
# Datasets
df_list = [census,unemployment,dropout,divorce]
df = crime

for d in df_list:
    df = df.merge(d, on='County',how='outer')

# Make sure there aren't any missing values
County                                          False
Total Rate                                      False
Violent Rate                                    False
Property Rate                                   False
Pop.Pct.Change 2010-16                          False
Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015              False
Persons per household                           False
High School grad or Higher, 2011-2015           False
Bachelor's Degree or Higher, 2011-2015          False
Persons w/out health insurance, under 65 pct    False
Civilian Labor Force Partcipation Pct           False
Median Household income                         False
Poverty Pct.                                    False
Population Density(sq.m)                        False
Unemployment Rate                               False
DROPOUT_PCT                                     False
DivorceRate                                     False
dtype: bool
In [15]:
# Let's see what our data looks like now

Int64Index: 62 entries, 0 to 61
Data columns (total 17 columns):
County                                          62 non-null object
Total Rate                                      62 non-null float64
Violent Rate                                    62 non-null float64
Property Rate                                   62 non-null float64
Pop.Pct.Change 2010-16                          62 non-null float64
Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015              62 non-null float64
Persons per household                           62 non-null float64
High School grad or Higher, 2011-2015           62 non-null float64
Bachelor's Degree or Higher, 2011-2015          62 non-null float64
Persons w/out health insurance, under 65 pct    62 non-null float64
Civilian Labor Force Partcipation Pct           62 non-null float64
Median Household income                         62 non-null float64
Poverty Pct.                                    62 non-null float64
Population Density(sq.m)                        62 non-null float64
Unemployment Rate                               62 non-null float64
DROPOUT_PCT                                     62 non-null float64
DivorceRate                                     62 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(16), object(1)
memory usage: 8.7+ KB
In [16]:
County Total Rate Violent Rate Property Rate Pop.Pct.Change 2010-16 Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015 Persons per household High School grad or Higher, 2011-2015 Bachelor's Degree or Higher, 2011-2015 Persons w/out health insurance, under 65 pct Civilian Labor Force Partcipation Pct Median Household income Poverty Pct. Population Density(sq.m) Unemployment Rate DROPOUT_PCT DivorceRate
0 Albany 2.812248 0.353436 2.458812 1.5 58.3 2.35 92.8 38.6 5.5 64.8 59887.0 12.6 590.753634 4.0 9.047882 2.323995
1 Allegany 1.216441 0.170729 1.045713 -3.8 73.1 2.36 88.6 20.0 6.2 57.0 42776.0 16.8 45.736464 6.2 5.210238 2.591547
2 Bronx 2.525896 0.947502 1.578393 5.1 19.0 2.86 70.6 18.9 11.1 59.5 34299.0 30.3 34577.672209 7.1 15.895440 3.680664
3 Broome 2.779691 0.329018 2.450673 -2.7 65.7 2.37 89.9 27.2 6.4 58.7 46261.0 17.7 276.767219 5.4 8.840776 3.474642
4 Cattaraugus 1.619945 0.183691 1.436254 -3.3 71.3 2.41 87.9 17.8 7.5 59.2 42601.0 18.0 59.370199 5.9 9.561849 2.977336

Exploring the data

Now that the data has been collected and cleaned. The next steps are to figure out what variables we'll want to use for our OLS regression.
Source of Image: http://cnasstudent.ucr.edu/images/statistics-arrow.jpg

2a. Statistical Overview

In [17]:
# Call describe(0) on the first 10 variables. This will give us descriptive statistics such as mean, std, etc..
Total Rate Violent Rate Property Rate Pop.Pct.Change 2010-16 Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015 Persons per household High School grad or Higher, 2011-2015 Bachelor's Degree or Higher, 2011-2015 Persons w/out health insurance, under 65 pct
count 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000
mean 1.713749 0.226943 1.486806 -1.208731 68.232258 2.516452 88.333871 26.496774 6.725806
std 0.593775 0.143223 0.510874 2.654065 12.116170 0.229740 3.515816 9.092151 1.412234
min 0.613815 0.037664 0.576152 -6.200000 19.000000 2.090000 70.600000 15.200000 4.900000
25% 1.291813 0.150212 1.130638 -3.100000 65.900000 2.370000 87.200000 20.200000 5.800000
50% 1.639640 0.192956 1.414713 -1.850000 71.050000 2.430000 88.900000 23.600000 6.500000
75% 2.049244 0.272742 1.787985 0.139670 73.700000 2.547500 90.200000 30.725000 7.075000
max 3.038613 0.947502 2.587218 5.100000 85.500000 3.380000 94.200000 59.900000 12.900000
In [18]:
# then on the remaining variables
Civilian Labor Force Partcipation Pct Median Household income Poverty Pct. Population Density(sq.m) Unemployment Rate DROPOUT_PCT DivorceRate
count 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000
mean 60.611290 55275.693548 14.459677 3130.320790 5.088710 7.956048 2.815270
std 3.946698 13124.036415 3.852589 11248.087678 0.788463 2.776583 0.860136
min 50.700000 34299.000000 6.000000 2.644742 3.700000 1.964085 1.407802
25% 58.325000 47992.500000 12.525000 73.484021 4.425000 6.149164 2.284337
50% 60.300000 50839.000000 14.050000 115.611706 5.000000 8.025794 2.680567
75% 63.950000 57668.500000 16.875000 423.412684 5.700000 9.378574 3.176200
max 68.500000 99465.000000 30.300000 71998.861148 7.100000 15.895440 6.306407
In [19]:
# Create a heatmap of correlation matrix

Looking at the heatmap, we notice a few variables that have modest correlation coefficients with Total Rate. Some of these are the percent of highschool dropouts, percent of population living in poverty, and the rate of those who live in the house they own.

2b. Finding the right variables

In [20]:
# Reduce the variables for our regression to those with a p-value of < 0.05 when computing their correlation
# coefficient.

sig_attributes = []
for col in df.columns[4:]:
    cor, p_value = pearsonr(df['Total Rate'], df[col])
    if p_value <= 0.05:
        print('{0}\nCorrelation Coefficient: {1}, P-value: {2}\n'.format(col,cor,p_value))
Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015
Correlation Coefficient: -0.47654216156437834, P-value: 9.025936684477753e-05

Persons per household
Correlation Coefficient: -0.2753983200351262, P-value: 0.030277511511942506

Median Household income
Correlation Coefficient: -0.2602265497748552, P-value: 0.041085640422094595

Poverty Pct.
Correlation Coefficient: 0.37898023469662123, P-value: 0.002385125635546153

Population Density(sq.m)
Correlation Coefficient: 0.26069529020082205, P-value: 0.04070948763711594

Correlation Coefficient: 0.5040584438262569, P-value: 2.956737487559674e-05

Correlation Coefficient: 0.28268015779945915, P-value: 0.02600442620098597

In [21]:

After reducing our variables we can see more clearly which variables are correlated with each other. Four in particular stick out to me:

  1. Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015 with Poverty Pct.: -0.599762
  2. Median Household Income with Poverty Pct: -0.665606
  3. DROPOUT_PCT wiht Poverty Pct: 0.608678
  4. Median Household Income with DROPOUT_PCT: -0.509701

We're likely going to have to drop even more variables after our regression because many of these variables appear collinear as we would expect. For example, we probably aren't surprised that on average counties with a higher percent of those in the population living under the poverty line have higher high school dropout rates. The reasons for this may be that school funding for such areas may be minimal, students may need to help their parents out with living expenses, etc.

In [22]:
In [23]:
fig , ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,5))

sns.distplot(df['Population Density(sq.m)'],ax=ax1,kde=False)

Because there are so many outlier values in the Population Density variable we will not include it in our regression.

2c. OLS Regression

In [24]:
#Let's create a dataset of the with only those variables we think have a relationship with the Total crime Rate
df_final = df[['Total Rate', 'Persons per household', 'Median Household income', 'Poverty Pct.', 'DROPOUT_PCT',
         'Owner Occupy House Rate, 2011-2015', 'DivorceRate']]

df_final.columns = ['C_rate', 'PPH', 'MedianIncome', 'PctPoverty', 'PctDropout', 'HouseOwnerRate', 'DivorceRate']
In [25]:
# First we're going to run an OLS regression on all the selected variables.
est1 = ols(formula='C_rate ~ PPH + MedianIncome + PctPoverty + PctDropout + HouseOwnerRate + DivorceRate',

                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                 C_rate   R-squared:                       0.366
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.297
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     5.301
Date:                Sat, 16 Sep 2017   Prob (F-statistic):           0.000226
Time:                        13:58:28   Log-Likelihood:                -41.006
No. Observations:                  62   AIC:                             96.01
Df Residuals:                      55   BIC:                             110.9
Df Model:                           6                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                     coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
Intercept          4.1641      1.647      2.528      0.014       0.864       7.465
PPH               -0.5095      0.355     -1.434      0.157      -1.222       0.203
MedianIncome   -1.838e-06   8.75e-06     -0.210      0.834   -1.94e-05    1.57e-05
PctPoverty        -0.0202      0.033     -0.605      0.548      -0.087       0.047
PctDropout         0.0717      0.031      2.289      0.026       0.009       0.135
HouseOwnerRate    -0.0192      0.009     -2.258      0.028      -0.036      -0.002
DivorceRate       -0.0117      0.091     -0.128      0.898      -0.195       0.171
Omnibus:                        2.331   Durbin-Watson:                   1.997
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.312   Jarque-Bera (JB):                2.001
Skew:                           0.439   Prob(JB):                        0.368
Kurtosis:                       2.947   Cond. No.                     1.49e+06

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.49e+06. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

If we look at the p-values for our variables only two are below our 0.05 designation, PctDropout and HouseOwnerRate.

In [26]:
est2 = ols(formula='C_rate ~ HouseOwnerRate + PctDropout',data=df_final).fit()

                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                 C_rate   R-squared:                       0.328
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.305
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     14.38
Date:                Sat, 16 Sep 2017   Prob (F-statistic):           8.19e-06
Time:                        13:58:28   Log-Likelihood:                -42.844
No. Observations:                  62   AIC:                             91.69
Df Residuals:                      59   BIC:                             98.07
Df Model:                           2                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                     coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
Intercept          2.1303      0.537      3.968      0.000       1.056       3.205
HouseOwnerRate    -0.0151      0.006     -2.542      0.014      -0.027      -0.003
PctDropout         0.0769      0.026      2.971      0.004       0.025       0.129
Omnibus:                        3.261   Durbin-Watson:                   1.929
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.196   Jarque-Bera (JB):                2.972
Skew:                           0.534   Prob(JB):                        0.226
Kurtosis:                       2.894   Cond. No.                         596.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.


3a. Results

After completing our analysis we found that the percent of high school students that drop out of highschool and the rate of Owner Occupied Housing have a strong relationship with the Total Crime Rate. The results for our final regression tell us quite a few things. An increase of the Owner Occupied Housing Rate by 1% will result in a decrease in the Total Crime Rate on average by about 0.0151% per thousand people. An increase of the percent of high school dropouts by one percent will result in an increase in the Total Crime Rate by 0.0669% per thousand people.

3b. Limitations

There are quite a number of limitations in this analysis but I'll briefly mention a few of them.

A. Limitations of the Analysis itself:

  1. We only have data for the counties of New York City in the year of 2016. Ideally, we would want to have data for multiple years as well as for different states. Many of the variables did have data going years back, however, some of them didn't.
  2. There are probably other variables I could have found and included in this analysis but I choose to only use a limited amount because they were only 62 points of data making too many variables potentially problematic.

B. Limitations of trying to understand what affects crime using a data driven approach: (Note that I'm not an expert on the topic)

  1. Many of the variables that affect crime aren't easily subjected to this form of analysis. Some of these include citizens attitudes towards crime and policies of other components of the criminal justice system.